Friday 16 January 2015

Helplessly Tired.

I haven't written in a while, and I was deciding for a while whether I should write tonight, or whether I should just save my feelings for tomorrow, because I am so emotionally drained right now that I can barely keep my eyes open. This has without a doubt been one of the worst weeks ever, and I just cant even cope.

I don't know if you've ever felt so tired that just waking up in the morning makes you cry, or your legs and arms feel that weak that you could just collapse any second, or your eyes don't work so you have to squint to see ever single thing, and your brain doesn't connect anything and work because your just so exhausted. Well that's how I feel now.

I am so tired, tired of every single thing. I'm tired of you, tired of me, tired of being awake, tired of being asleep, tired of thinking, tired of being sad, tired of being angry, tired of remembering, tired of trying to forget, tired of accepting, tired of trying not to change, tired of trying to remember who I am, I am just tired of being tired.

I am so so tired, I have no energy for anything anymore, so I cant even convey my feelings through this terrible blog post, in which I will probably delete when hopefully someday recovering from my exhausted state of mind. But I needed to blog.


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