Sunday 28 December 2014

Lunar Thinking...

*warning- likely to be rather deep and melancholy (it's the only place I can be)*

As this is my first blog post I'm unsure quite how to start it, and how I want my blog to go on from here. To be honest this blog is an attempt at a medium for which I can express my thoughts/feelings through, and can vent about my weird/wonderful perspective on life in the hope that somebody out there might understand me, because I don't..

I love the stars, the moon, the rain, the ocean, leaves, trees...and the piano, just to make that clear. I find each thing on that list a source of comfort, and a way for me to express the essence of who I am and how I feel. Call me weird, but that's that.

I think the reason I have started this blog now, when I have had many chances before now is because I need to try something new. I have all these feelings and deep wonders about well, everything. In two days it will be the end of a year, and an era for me, as I have decided to try to find myself again, and regain some of what I was before, as I seem to have lost myself. New year is always a dreaded date for me, I hate the whole thing. I hate the connotations of change and loss it brings with it, and I try to hold on to each year as though it were a childhood toy. I'm very troubled, and I cant seem to break the cycle.

I'm aware the whole thing sounds cryptic, but as I say, I felt I should offer some sort of introduction before I completely baffle you. Please feel free to stick along for the ride, I hope I do. Who knows what might happen, anything could.


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